Thursday, March 13, 2008

What can you achieve within 100 days of implementing eRecruitment

I don't use this blog for advertorials usually, but I've worked on a project recently which does act as a bit of a benchmark for what a large retailer spread over the mid east region can achieve very quickly by putting good eRecruitment systems into place.

They've configured and implemented a system, certified users after training, installed walk-in kiosks to handle offline applications, integrated to numerous job boards and received tons of quality applications. They actually posted a job 'for fun' in Turkey where they had no office but needed to hire senior staff to start ops. Never thought for a minute they'd get top competitors to apply, but had carried out 2 interviews within 3 days and had an offer accepted inside 5 days.

Anyhow if you like to read what their Chief Human Resources Officer had to say in a recent press interview then here's the link:

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