Thursday, February 15, 2007

RSS for Recruitment Staff Knowledge

We're implementing a massive retail talent management platform for a client currently, and the project champion told us this week how his recruiters across many countries are relying on RSS feeds to keep them up to date with news from around the recruitment/jobs/jobseeker world that is the Internet. I'm not sure how many others are doing this but I thought I'd scribe about it here briefly.

What is RSS, well it stands for Really Simple Syndication; and is an easy automated way of having content sourced from across the Internet for you without having to go and find it yourself. Imagine you like to check the weather each morning in Glasgow (it's raining I can tell you!), and like me you check the sports news or your share values. Well through RSS you can set up a page, think of it as your own private homepage on the Internet, and all those items of interest will be brought into your page for you. It only brings you news when their is latest news to show you, so it saves you going to a site if there's no need.

Back to the recruitment scenario. So as a recruiter you can set up RSS feeds for your business concerns, senior appointments, new jobsites opening up, legislation & staff tribunal cases, salary data, exchange rates, housing prices; and of course the sport!

Quite a nice way of keeping up to speed as a recruiter. Speak to your IT dept/Portal Managers and see if they can help you set something up, it's extremely simple and many RSS readers are free.

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