Saturday, April 21, 2007

CareerEx 2007 in Kuwait

Been a bit slow on the blog front recently as I took some time out with the family for a break to UK and Czech which was fantastic.

Back to it now though and I'll find myself in Kuwait tomorrow morning to attend and present in an HR Conference there called CareerEx 2007. Lots of good people attending this one so I hope to have a few interesting industry news clips at least to share this week.

Following on from my last comments about jobsites starting to market themselves in different ways, I did notice on local radio and satellite TV in the last few weeks. It willk be interesting to check their visitor number which I intend to do on shortly. It'll take a while to see the impact but you'd expect to hear PR about their traffic hike shortly (unless it didn't have the desired affect that is!!)

1 comment:

Mohammed Owais said...

It certainly has made a big difference. In six months, they have moved from obscure into the elite list of top 10,000 websites on the internet. Which is not bad, considering itself has consistently ranked in the top 500. Here's the graph:

But you might find THIS more interesting: , which shows that is giving them a pretty good chase.

Here's something even better: . Bayt seems to be working hard to keep the gap with the new entrants. It has been ranked around the 5000 mark on an average, however the last couple of months have seen a good boost in the rankings taking it closer to 2000.