Monday, April 02, 2007

Microsoft Excel 2007 - any good for Recruiter reporting?

One of our chief geeks (it's okay - he proudly wears a 'Geek' bracelet that he won in a Microsoft competition) is at a Business Intelligence conference hosted by Microsoft today, and the reports coming out of the conference are that Excel 2007 holds a lot of promise for Recruiters. Well at least those using a web-based recruiting system, because those of you who do, should at least be able to get some fantastic reporting functions out of the new Excel.

I mention it here as I think it's worth Recruiters investing a bit of time now to get familiar with how to manage 'Pivot tables' in Excel as these tools are going to become more and more a part of your daily lives if you want to satisfy the demand of Execs and their appetite for information on what we do in recruitment and where the money is going. We've been doing a lot of work in this area last year, believe me if you haven't already, then get familiar with it.

The 2007 version of Excel, which will take a while to get onto the PC of many of you out there for sure, has native OLAP tools built in which is a first for Excel. This means that MS have made a big improvement in usability (you won't need to install or download drivers to get it to run great reports). If you don't know what a Pivot table is, visit the help section in excel or
speak to the support team of your ATS vendor.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Lately my MS Excel hanged and I lost my important data.Fortunately tool which I found in a big soft forum helped myself-how to fix error Excel file this file is not in a recognizable format.As there was wrote tool is free,moreover program will help you to recover valuable information and avoid its losses.