Monday, April 02, 2007

Umniah - Hanania

A Jordanian client of our recruiting package, Sniperhire ATS, is a really interesting mobile operator. They're interesting in that they are incredibly entrepreneurial and have grown amazingly quickly. They are called Umniah and I spotted this week an announcement that they have appointed Joseph Hanania to run the business. We also support Bahrain Telecoms group and they acquired Umniah last year.

Joseph is a well known leader in the communications/technology space in the region and spent a long time heading up HP in the Dubai office. Great to see people moving from IT into Telecoms, as I think all too often companies are not brave enough to look outside their own direct competitors. My opinion is that that attitude restricts growth so I'm right in this case, and that Umniah continue to soar under Mr Hanania. Visit which is where Umniah jobs will shortly be available online.

KSA GSM Operator Recruiting
More Telecoms recruitment related news. My firm are implementing a package for the new mobile operator in Saudi Arabia. The Operator name is not yet known, but it will be great to be associated with the new GSM licensee and to help them recruit a few hundred people in what is already a challenging market. Check out for update on this over the coming weeks.

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